An Opportunity to Improve Madison’s Bus System
The city of Madison has developed plans for a redesigned bus system starting in 2023. Limiting its plans to Metro's 2019 budget, it tries to meet artificial cost constraints by reshuffling already inadequate resources rather than by adding sufficiently to them. The redesign plan calls for fewer routes operating more frequently, requires more walking and includes the operation of a Bus Rapid Transit spine. Although also inadequate, the redesign plan gives us an opportunity to have a better transit system over what currently exists. That better system would at once include Bus Rapid Transit, apply true notions of access, equity and frequency, and coordinate with land use plans. A viable skeleton for a robust body, it needs fleshing out. For that to happen, Madison needs to reprioritize its transportation budget and allocate more funds for transit. Good Plans Include Options Despite adding $40 to the Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF or "wheel tax") of Madison residents in ...